
"Head up, wings out"--Oiselle


Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunburst Marathon Recap

2am wake-up call with the alarm

I didn't mind though as I shot out of bed, excited for what was to come. Marathon #3 and I was so ready.  I was running the Sunburst Marathon in South Bend, IN and the race started at 5am central time(the race was held in Eastern Standard Time)

My sister, Beth, and her boyfriend, Matt spent the night at my house and were both running the 5k race at Sunburst. They were already up when I opened my bedroom door. I brushed my teeth, threw in my contacts, put my hair up in a bun, got my racing clothes on and was out the door. We got there with an hour to kill, so I couldn't help but walk to the very place I did 2 years ago, to see the starting line of the race...when I was a 1/2 marathon runner admiring the marathon runners. Now today, I'm the marathon runner. I felt so humbled. I worked so hard for this.

The final minutes before the race started, I couldn't keep the smile off my face.  I high-fived Beth and Matt and kissed my husband and gave him the biggest hug. Before I knew it, I was off and beginning my journey of 26.2 miles. 

 It was still dark outside and the temps were in the lower 60's. I had my Nathan hand held water bottle all filled with Cocogo and a few GU Roctanes I'd take every 6 miles. I kept my pace in the 8:30-40 range and ran safe.  Right away there were a few hills and I remember thinking, "I hope this isn't the whole race." At mile 11, there was a huge hill and as I approached it, I just put my head down and pushed. Around mile 12, I ran past a street sign that said Madison St.  I smiled as I thought about my daughter, Madison who was at home with my mom at that moment. Apparently at the same time, my husband was along the side of the road trying to get my attention, but I missed him completely. He did manage to get a pic of me gulping down my gel.

At the half way point, I decided to start picking up the pace a bit. I wanted to run a negative split.  The sun had started to make things warm and it was rough running directly into it for several miles. I kept my pace steady but around mile 17, my legs started to feel the hills.  I didn't have any cramps, but it was like they just didn't want to move anymore. So I accepted the fact a negative split wasn't happening and just tried to enjoy the rest of the race. I still had a sub 4 hour on my mind and I was right on track for it.  

The course was absolutely beautiful running along the St. Joseph river.  The volunteers and spectators were just as awesome.  I had such a different mind-set than I did when I ran the Chicago Marathon. I never once thought that I could not finish the race.  I knew I could. I just didn't know what my finish time would be.  At mile 20, my legs were practically dead.  I started walking through the water stations but quickly recovered and pushed through with that sub 4 hour finish stabbing my mind.  At mile 26, I was in front of the Notre Dame stadium and gunned it for the finish line.  As I was running ready to turn the corner to the finish, I spotted my husband, sister, and her boyfriend on the side of the road waving and cheering for me. My heart almost burst as I pushed back the tears...then as I turned the corner, there it was, the finish line. 

 I looked for the clock which read 4 hours and my heart then did sink. I was SECONDS off finishing under 4 hours.  I crossed the finish line, arms extended out and head up. My disappointment did not last long. The medal was placed around my neck and I turned around to see my family walking toward me with big smiles on their faces.  I had just finished marathon number 3, when this time last year, I wasn't sure I could finish even one.  There are other marathons out there with my name on it.  I will run marathons until I can't run anymore.  I will get my sub 4.  I will get my BQ.  It may take many, many tries, many failures, but I won't give up.  I was born for this.

Marathons are not for the faint of heart. They hurt and tear you down. They're unpredictable. I had an amazing 20 mile training run just 2 weeks prior to the race and tapered appropriately, but there are so many things not in your control when you're out there running 26.2 miles.  I learned a lot about myself out there and know what my weaknesses are and what to work on this summer as I train for my upcoming fall marathon in Indianapolis.  Special thanks to everyone for all the support I've received before and after the race. It's been overwhelming and I'm so blessed to have that kind of love.  Thanks to Cocogo for such an amazing product. I had no cramps and no GI issues out there and it really kept me going in the heat.  Now BRING ON THE SUMMER MARATHON TRAINING! :)


  1. That was an AWESOME race!!!! Marathons are tricky...but I have learned to be proud of myself even if I don't get the exact time that I wanted :)! By the way...Indianapolis is an AWESOME flat race!!!!! It is where I got my marathon PR and I LOVE it!!!!!

  2. SO AWESOME!!!! Goodness knows you totally deserve it. And those 4 seconds? I call shenanigans on their technology ;) You did an amazing job! Can't wait to finish training for my November Marathon! I hope I look as strong as you do while crossing the finish line!

  3. You never cease to amaze me!! You are a rockstar and your efforts pay off every day. Keep your head high. You rocked it and will continue to do so.

  4. Sooooo stinking proud of you!!! I so thought you were going to hit a crazy fast time like 3:45-3:48 but eh' no worries you'll get that and then some in the near future I just know it because you one hard working gritty runner!!! Love your positive outlook annnnnnd I think you'll be the one giving me pointers the next time I run 26.2 lol :)
