
"Head up, wings out"--Oiselle


Thursday, April 10, 2014

A few myths about runners

4 Myths about runners
1.    We can eat whatever we want:  WRONG! Nutrition is actually more important especially with running longer distances. I can't tell you how many people come up to me and say, "you run so much, it must be nice to eat whatever you want and not feel bad." Maybe I can eat more calories than normal, but when I eat like crap, I feel like crap...and run like crap too. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my pizza or Dairy Queen every now and then, but moderation is key and fueling my body with wholesome, good food is the way for best performance.
2.    All runners are super lean and skinny:  Wrong again. Actually, I've seen some "bigger" runners fly past me in races and leave me in the dust.  Runners are all kinds of sizes...lean, curvy, tall, short, skinny legs, thick/muscular legs, etc, etc.  That's what I love about this sport, ANYONE can be a runner!  If you run, you're a runner. End of story.
3.   Runners only care about running. That's all they talk about:  Ok, I do LOVE running and talking about it...a lot...but that's not all I care about.  I do have a family that I love and spend tons of time with.  I have this nursing job on the side that I dedicate 110% of my time and effort to when I'm on the clock. But hey, if you want to talk about running or go for a run, I'm down with that too ;)

4.    To be a runner, you have to be FAST:  Oh, this is soooo wrong.  Fast, slow, 2 miles or 20 miles, you are a runner.  I don't care if it's a 6 minute mile or 14, if you put one foot in front of the other and move them at whatever speed your legs feel like going, you are a "real runner".  I'm more inspired by someone who is struggling with running and stuck on a 12 minute pace but continues to go out there everyday and give it all they have.  The fact that we are out there everyday, working towards a certain goal, and giving it all we've got is what really counts.  Not the pace on a watch. 

Anyone have anything else to add?!


  1. Awesome post Jen!!!! I especially love #1 and 2. Those myths completely crack me up. It's funny how my non-running friends think that just because I run I can eat junk with wreckless abandon while in actuality I'm able to run so far because of proper nutrition. Annnnd as far as #2 goes I've been passed many a times by a runner who might not look the the part haha! But that what I love about running ... it's all good :)
