
"Head up, wings out"--Oiselle


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What a sweet surprise!

Liebster Award Nomination
I know I've said it a million times, but the running community is the BEST!  People I've never even met being so supportive and encouraging of one another. Andrea of nominated my blog for a Liebster Award (which I had to look up because I'm so new to blogging) Thanks so much, Andrea! :)
It's an award given to blogs from other bloggers. Liebster means "dearest" in German and it's a great way of meeting and discovering other bloggers. There are some rules that go with it. It's a chain and a great way to promote and give some love to other blogs.  
1.) you must link back to the person who nominated you
2.) you must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you
 3.) you must pick other bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following, usually less than 200 followers and can not nominate the person who nominated you)
4.) you must create 11 questions for your nominees
5.) you must notify your nominees

Here are the questions given to me:
1. What personal moment are you most proud of (athletic or not)?  Definitely my first full marathon in Chicago back in October of 2013.  That was a huge moment for me, crossing the finish line and proving to myself that I could run distances like that. Of course, running for the American Cancer Society and raising $1500 meant a lot to me too since cancer has affected so many of us. After losing my aunt to kidney cancer it was my way of saying, "Screw you, cancer! We will win this battle!" I can't forget to mention the recent 50K finish too. 
2. What is your biggest goal to reach?  A Boston Qualifying race for me. It would be a dream come true for me to run Boston.  My qualifying time is 3:35, so I have a lot of work to do this summer in order to make that happen this fall in Indy.
3. What is your favorite type of workout?  I absolutely LOVE long runs.  There's something about pushing myself for several miles and the solitude of it.  I feel completely refreshed and new afterwards...Like a cleansing for the soul.
4. What motivates you to take on new challenges?  I just want to see how far I can go and what my body can do.  Everyday, I strive to be faster, stronger, and better than the day before.  I love challenges!!!
5. What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome?  I'd have to say the mental barriers I've had in the past.  Also training with a 3 year old at home and my husband's crazy work schedule...Not to mention my own work schedule as well, but I'm lucky enough to only have to work part-time.
6. What is your most favorite total indulgent meal or dessert (feel free to share a recipe??!!)?  I'm not much of a cook, but the first indulgent thing I can think of is pizza...any kind from anywhere.  My FAVE!
7. What time of day is your favorite time to work out?  I'm definitely a morning runner.  Starting my day with a good run is the best way for me and it helps with making better choices throughout the day.
8. Wine, beer, or mixed drinks?  I can't even remember the last time I had a drink, haha!  But if I had to choose, mixed drink.
9. Would you/ have you ever dress/ed up for a themed race?  Yes!! I ran a super hero themed 5K race last summer to raise money for a little boy.  I dressed up as wonder woman and it was one of my favorite races.  So much fun!
10. What is your go to healthy meal (again, feel free to share recipes)?  Again, I'm not much of a cook, but I love a good protein packed meal.  Quinoa mixed with cinnamon and almonds is something to hit the spot when I have a sweet tooth.
11. What is your dream race?  Boston Marathon!! :)
My Nominee's!
My questions for each of you....
1.  Who/what inspires you daily?
2.  What motivated you to start running?
3.  What's your favorite type of workout?
4.  Most memorable race or event?
5.  Favorite indulgent snack or meal?
6.  Upcoming goals?
7.  Favorite mantra?
8.  What's your favorite mid-run fuel?
9.  Long-term goals?
10.  What's your favorite running gear?
11.  Words of advice for someone starting out?


  1. Aww thank you so much for the shout out!! Can't wait to post my answers :)

  2. WOW!!! I'm honored thanks for the nomination I'll be posting my response hopefully later today :)
