
"Head up, wings out"--Oiselle


Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cocogo Review

It's no secret that I LOVE to run and compete in races such as 1/2 marathons or marathons, so hydration and nutrition is huge to me, especially when I'm training in the summer heat(I sweat A LOT!!)  So when Cocogo asked me to review their product, I was more than willing and excited to try.  I'm always experimenting with different forms of fuel and energy sources to see what works best with my needs as an endurance athlete that runs 40-50 miles a week. 

First off, I'm sure you're asking, "What in the world is Cocogo?"

*It's a super convenient packet thats power packed with electrolytes and energy.  Perfect for when you're on the go, just slip it in your pocket and pour it into a water bottle when your ready. 

*It's all natural, gluten free, and made from real coconut water and freeze-dried fruit.  It comes in 3 yummy flavors:  Lemon-lime, Raspberry Passion Fruit(my personal fave) and Grape.  It's a light tasting, refreshing drink so it doesn't go down thick and heavy and sit in your stomach...which is so important in the middle of a 20 mile training run.

*It has less sodium and more electrolytes like magnesium, calcium, and potassium which is a huge help in preventing muscle cramps.  With only 34 calories a package and loaded with Vitamin B12, B3, B5, B6, D3, and Vitamin C(which is essential for recovery and immunity) you can't go wrong with this drink.

*It's pre-packaged and pre-measured for easy pouring and control of your hydration needs.  Mix 2, 3, or 4 packets in 14 ounces of water depending on how hard your workout is or how much flavor you want.  It's easy on the stomach, not too sweet like a lot of other artificial sport drinks, and will not give you that queasy feeling. 

So how did it work for me?

I personally LOVE the product and highly recommend it for any kind of runner. Whether you're training for a marathon or 5k, it's a great, natural source of energy and hydration.  I took it out with me on my last 15 mile training run. I had no issues with nausea and no heavy feeling in my stomach.  I felt strong, focused, and full of energy.  I definitely plan on incorporating it into my summer training as I prepare for my fall marathon. 

Bottom line, I truly believe this is an amazing product!  It's great tasting, easy to use, and nourishes the body with just what it needs during training to keep me going.  Thank you, Cocogo for the opportunity to try it! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Crossroads 1/2 Marathon Re-Cap

Whoa, that was pretty tough!

Woke up at 5:30am that morning and was already prepared for the cold and wind.  It's normally a windy race due to the open fields along the course, so the weather reports of winds blowing from the north 20-30 mph with 40 mph gusts didn't help.  I ran the race last year, so I had an idea of what it was going to be like. 

My whole mindset was to just go out there and have fun.  I had just ran an ultra marathon 3 weeks prior to this race and was in the middle of marathon training for Sunburst in May.  I also ran a 15 mile training run two days before and worked a 12 hour shift the day before, but luckily my legs ended up feeling really good that morning.

I drove to the race and sat in my car for 45 minutes watching the rain trickle on my windshield and the branches on the trees blowing around, then I realized I forgot my GU Roctanes at home, so I had no fuel. I remember thinking to myself, "This is definitely not going to be a pretty finish, lol"

As we all lined up at the start line, that's always my favorite part of this event.  The 1/2 marathoners lined up on the left side of the road and the full marathoners lined up on the right side.  As we took off running in different directions, I was actually happy I was "only" running a half that day with the conditions out there. 

Right away we were hit with the rolling hills the first several miles.  Running through the neighborhoods and through the city around Cedar Lake, the wind was not horrible, but as soon as we hit open fields, the wind was enough to almost blow me off the road.  I kept my pace consistent so I wouldn't wear out early and it definitely seemed to help me especially at the very end. 

 Picture of one of the hills on the course

At mile 6, my IPod stopped working and I was stuck with no music the rest of the race(not very happy about that)  The last few miles were the windiest.  Mile 11 I was running straight into a headwind and at times felt like I was running in slow motion.  I just kept on repeating to myself, "almost there, almost there, I've got this"

I crossed the finish line in 1:49:17 and managed to place 2nd in my age group(originally it was 3rd place, but there was an error with the preliminary results and I still got a 3rd place award which I need to return)

I was actually surprised that I ran so well considering all the hills and wind.  I can't wait to see if I can crush my 1/2 marathon PR of 1:40:37 this summer with the speed work I'll be doing.  It was a fantastic event and I did have a lot of fun seeing a few runners there like Maria and Brenda.  I placed 35th overall out of 375 half marathoners too. Congrats to everyone who finished! I'm sure I'll be back next year to run those hills and battle the wind again.  After all, I always love a challenge :) 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Where do you find inspiration?

What gets you to lace up your shoes everyday....
Each day we have a choice.  Either we run or we don't.  So what is it that gets us out the door or on the treadmill? 

For me, it's just a normal part of my day like getting up and brushing my teeth.  If I DON'T run, I don't feel normal.  Some days it's easier than others but I make sure to surround myself with inspiring, positive things.  One of the reasons I love Instagram!  All I have to do is open up the app and my screen is flooded with inspiring posts and images of other runners going out there and running their hearts out. 

With every accomplishment or goal, opens another door of possibility.  My next goal is to Boston Qualify in a marathon.  I'm running a marathon on May 31st, but I'm using it as a "test" to see what my strengths and weaknesses are so I have an idea on how to train this summer for my marathon this fall.  I know it's not going to be easy to maintain an 8:12 pace for 26.2 miles, but I know that if I train hard and believe in myself, anything is within my reach.

And that's really what it's all about....BELIEVING in yourself.  Even in your most difficult moments.  When things are dark and you're not sure how to keep going, search deep inside of yourself and push through it.  For years I told myself that I couldn't run marathons and I've done one and even went beyond the marathon and finished an ultra.  A negative mind will not take you anywhere amazing.  When I lace up my running shoes, my "normal" life is replaced by dreams, hope, and possibility.  That's what inspires me.  If you look for inspiration, you will find it.  Just open your eyes to things you think are not possible...because they really can be.  Be your own inspiration and then reach out to others and help them.  It's a beautiful cycle. 

Sacrifice, commitment, tears, and tenacity always prevails.  It may take weeks, months, even years, but it's always worth it.  So where do you find inspiration?  Is it a goal or dream?  Family, friends, or looking in the mirror and wanting a change?  Whatever it is, let it fuel you...let it feed your passion to get up out of bed and hit the pavement at 5am.  Use it to get you to whatever finish line you're chasing and then to the start line of the next goal. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

One year later and one year stronger

Boston Marathon weekend
Everywhere you look on social media(if you're a runner I suppose) you'll see posts of the Boston Marathon and runners making their way into the city getting their bib number and enjoying the expo.  I know each year, as I watch these amazing runners, the inspiration I feel is just overwhelming. This year is no different, but it definitely has a different tone.  A good tone.  One that's strong, united, and focused.
This week I had an opportunity to watch an ESPN special about a few of the marathon bombing survivors and their amazing stories of struggle and triumph.  At the end of the 60 minute story, I was left completely speechless and in tears.  No doubt the events of last year has brought the running community much closer than ever and even if you're not running the actual marathon, it's on our minds and in our hearts this weekend.
I know I'll be watching the marathon here in Indiana on Monday morning, cheering on all the runners as they make it up Heartbreak Hill and run toward the finish line.  They each have a story and a purpose out there and it will definitely be an emotional marathon for all of us.  Together we will remember the lives lost that fateful day last year and run toward a stronger future.  My Monday miles will be dedicated to the lives affected by last year's events as well as the runners who are running the marathon, many of them finishing what they could not last year.  We are not just Boston Strong, we are RUNNING STRONG.  We are all united and even if we're not running together, the bond between each of us can not be broken or shattered by anything.  Good luck to all the Boston marathoners on Monday and cherish each mile.  Stay strong and know that runners from all over the world are supporting and cheering you on! 
"Like the marathon, life can sometimes be difficult, challenging and present obstacles, however if you believe in your dreams and never ever give up, things will turn out for the best."
Meb Keflezighi, U.S. Olympic marathoner

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What a sweet surprise!

Liebster Award Nomination
I know I've said it a million times, but the running community is the BEST!  People I've never even met being so supportive and encouraging of one another. Andrea of nominated my blog for a Liebster Award (which I had to look up because I'm so new to blogging) Thanks so much, Andrea! :)
It's an award given to blogs from other bloggers. Liebster means "dearest" in German and it's a great way of meeting and discovering other bloggers. There are some rules that go with it. It's a chain and a great way to promote and give some love to other blogs.  
1.) you must link back to the person who nominated you
2.) you must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you
 3.) you must pick other bloggers to be nominated for the award (with a small following, usually less than 200 followers and can not nominate the person who nominated you)
4.) you must create 11 questions for your nominees
5.) you must notify your nominees

Here are the questions given to me:
1. What personal moment are you most proud of (athletic or not)?  Definitely my first full marathon in Chicago back in October of 2013.  That was a huge moment for me, crossing the finish line and proving to myself that I could run distances like that. Of course, running for the American Cancer Society and raising $1500 meant a lot to me too since cancer has affected so many of us. After losing my aunt to kidney cancer it was my way of saying, "Screw you, cancer! We will win this battle!" I can't forget to mention the recent 50K finish too. 
2. What is your biggest goal to reach?  A Boston Qualifying race for me. It would be a dream come true for me to run Boston.  My qualifying time is 3:35, so I have a lot of work to do this summer in order to make that happen this fall in Indy.
3. What is your favorite type of workout?  I absolutely LOVE long runs.  There's something about pushing myself for several miles and the solitude of it.  I feel completely refreshed and new afterwards...Like a cleansing for the soul.
4. What motivates you to take on new challenges?  I just want to see how far I can go and what my body can do.  Everyday, I strive to be faster, stronger, and better than the day before.  I love challenges!!!
5. What has been the biggest challenge you have overcome?  I'd have to say the mental barriers I've had in the past.  Also training with a 3 year old at home and my husband's crazy work schedule...Not to mention my own work schedule as well, but I'm lucky enough to only have to work part-time.
6. What is your most favorite total indulgent meal or dessert (feel free to share a recipe??!!)?  I'm not much of a cook, but the first indulgent thing I can think of is pizza...any kind from anywhere.  My FAVE!
7. What time of day is your favorite time to work out?  I'm definitely a morning runner.  Starting my day with a good run is the best way for me and it helps with making better choices throughout the day.
8. Wine, beer, or mixed drinks?  I can't even remember the last time I had a drink, haha!  But if I had to choose, mixed drink.
9. Would you/ have you ever dress/ed up for a themed race?  Yes!! I ran a super hero themed 5K race last summer to raise money for a little boy.  I dressed up as wonder woman and it was one of my favorite races.  So much fun!
10. What is your go to healthy meal (again, feel free to share recipes)?  Again, I'm not much of a cook, but I love a good protein packed meal.  Quinoa mixed with cinnamon and almonds is something to hit the spot when I have a sweet tooth.
11. What is your dream race?  Boston Marathon!! :)
My Nominee's!
My questions for each of you....
1.  Who/what inspires you daily?
2.  What motivated you to start running?
3.  What's your favorite type of workout?
4.  Most memorable race or event?
5.  Favorite indulgent snack or meal?
6.  Upcoming goals?
7.  Favorite mantra?
8.  What's your favorite mid-run fuel?
9.  Long-term goals?
10.  What's your favorite running gear?
11.  Words of advice for someone starting out?

Friday, April 11, 2014

13.1 to 50K-A Leap of Faith

2 years ago, if you would've told me I could run a 50K, I'd laugh at you....

Sure I'd been running for years and years up to that point, but I was getting injuries at a 10K distance so why even push it? I wasn't "built" for running marathons and such.

I'll never forget the evening though, sitting with my husband at the computer 2 years ago debating on whether or not to register for my first half marathon. 13.1 miles! The longest distance I had ever ran at that point.  Hey, I had given birth to another human being, I could run for more than 10 miles, right?  I remember feeling crazy nervous and anxious. My husband, Doug, just kept telling me "push the button" "you can do it, just try". 

What was stopping me?  Fear? Self doubt? Injuries?  Probably a combination of it all.  I had fallen on my face so many times in the past whenever I had tried something new.  It seems whenever I had tried to run more than 7-8 miles, something would hurt.  Well screw it, I'm going to take the plunge.  I pressed the button to register and the confirmation popped up on the screen.  Holy crap, I'm actually going to do this.

I didn't really train for the 1/2, but I did make it up to a 10 mile run before the race...and I did end up injured.  I was introduced to my IT band for the first time and what an ugly injury that is to have.  I did tons of research on it and decided to run the 1/2 with the injury wearing an IT band strap. I finished my first half marathon in 2:06 and the feeling crossing the finish line was incredible. I had just accomplished something I thought I could never do and with an injury!  So what was stopping me from trying to run farther? Nothing anymore...I'm going to run long distances. Including a 26.2!

1/2 marathon done-June 2012
Full marathon done-October 2013
Ultra marathon done-April 2014

So what is it that stops us from pushing ourselves more? Fear of failure? What exactly is failure to you? It's just a bump on the road of this crazy journey called life. It makes us stronger and wiser. It exposes our true selves in ways we couldn't see otherwise.  I'm not afraid of failure anymore. I'm running my 7th half marathon this month and my second full marathon in May.  I've gone from half marathoner to marathoner to ULTRA marathoner in less than 2 years.  If I can do it, anyone can.  It may not look pretty and I surely didn't "fly" across the finish line in my first 1/2 and full marathons(more like limped, haha)But I have grown so much as a runner and as a person in general.  I'm so happy I took that leap into the unknown and faced my fears. 

In the words of my daughter's favorite movie, Frozen:

"It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A few myths about runners

4 Myths about runners
1.    We can eat whatever we want:  WRONG! Nutrition is actually more important especially with running longer distances. I can't tell you how many people come up to me and say, "you run so much, it must be nice to eat whatever you want and not feel bad." Maybe I can eat more calories than normal, but when I eat like crap, I feel like crap...and run like crap too. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my pizza or Dairy Queen every now and then, but moderation is key and fueling my body with wholesome, good food is the way for best performance.
2.    All runners are super lean and skinny:  Wrong again. Actually, I've seen some "bigger" runners fly past me in races and leave me in the dust.  Runners are all kinds of sizes...lean, curvy, tall, short, skinny legs, thick/muscular legs, etc, etc.  That's what I love about this sport, ANYONE can be a runner!  If you run, you're a runner. End of story.
3.   Runners only care about running. That's all they talk about:  Ok, I do LOVE running and talking about it...a lot...but that's not all I care about.  I do have a family that I love and spend tons of time with.  I have this nursing job on the side that I dedicate 110% of my time and effort to when I'm on the clock. But hey, if you want to talk about running or go for a run, I'm down with that too ;)

4.    To be a runner, you have to be FAST:  Oh, this is soooo wrong.  Fast, slow, 2 miles or 20 miles, you are a runner.  I don't care if it's a 6 minute mile or 14, if you put one foot in front of the other and move them at whatever speed your legs feel like going, you are a "real runner".  I'm more inspired by someone who is struggling with running and stuck on a 12 minute pace but continues to go out there everyday and give it all they have.  The fact that we are out there everyday, working towards a certain goal, and giving it all we've got is what really counts.  Not the pace on a watch. 

Anyone have anything else to add?!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chicago Lakefront 50K recap

What an experience!
My first ultra marathon was this last Saturday (April 5th) and it certainly goes down as my favorite race of all time.
Started off with waking up at 5AM and driving myself to the northside of Chicago at Foster Beach House along the lakefront. Beautiful sunshine and a brisk 35 degrees at start time. I actually felt super calm and really wasn't nervous about this, I think because the only goals I had were to have fun, stay injury free, and JUST FINISH.

The second I pinned my bib to my shirt, I was like "omg, I am running a freakin Ultra"

I met up with my IG friend Steph(runtrimom)who looked super cute in her bright, colorful running outfit. Before we knew it, we were off and running.

The miles just flew by as we admired the beautiful lakefront scenery and talked about life in general. We stopped for a few minutes at each aide station to refuel or stretch and for the first 15 miles, I was in heaven and feeling fresh and running effortlessly. We ran into a few of Steph's friends along the way, including her 84 year old coach who inspired me like crazy!  I was debating on whether or not to stick with her the whole time because I wasn't exactly sure on how my IT band would hold up, but the pace she was running felt right to me with the distance I was going. So at about mile 17 I decided to stick it out with her and finish together.

And I'm SO glad I did. Running with her really helped push me, especially the last few miles. Liz(fitandfab4life) ran the last 10 miles with us, which was awesome too. I kept repeating to myself "embrace the suck" "I've got this" Pretty much every fiber in my legs were hurting, but I pushed as I envisioned that finish line in my mind. I thought about my 3 year old daughter and husband too. I thought about all the amazing support from my Instagram friends.  These are the things that got me through.

We crossed the finish line 31 miles later, our hands together and held high over our heads tears streaming down our faces.  We had done it. We had just become ultra marathoners. I gave her the biggest hug crying like a baby.  I never had imagined I'd be a marathoner, let alone an ULTRA marathoner.  I faced my fears and conquered them head on. After running the Chicago Marathon last October and ending up injured, I started to question whether or not I could be a long distance runner.  But this finish proved to me that I could. I could go the distance....and I'll never look back.  I'm looking forward to more marathons, hopefully a Boston Qualifying one, and maybe some more ultras in there too :) 

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.



Very first post!

Figured I'd give this blog thing a try....
Especially since I am a Fitfluential Ambassador and avid runner that LOVES to share all my runs and running adventures with everyone :) I'm sure most of you know me through the lovely world of Instagram as blonde_bun_runner.
I'll do my full product reviews here and share my race recaps, advice, and thoughts here too.